The Pivot Protocol


 Beware of These Fake Acid Reflux 
Pivot Protocol Reviews

Fake acid reflux pivot protocol reviews are spreading across the internet... keeping people from getting the one thing that can truly help them be free from acid reflux. Don't fall for it...

Read the real, hardcore, uncensored truth about The Pivot Protocol for acid reflux below:

There’s a webpage up with some very suspicious reviews about me... 
I despise this kind of thing. Not because it is critical of me… I like good criticism. It keeps me sharp. No one keeps you on your toes like your enemies. And I love competition... 

What I despise about this kind of dishonesty is that it can deny someone who is desperately sick the chance to heal. 

In the first place, The Pivot Protocol is NOT an ebook.
It’s a fully online video training program with lectures and video demonstrations showing how you can eat to cancel out your specific symptoms. I even include audio downloads so you can learn in the shower or while driving. 

The Master Class has over 30 videos with me demonstrating how to prepare simple food combinations for specific patterns of symptoms. No real student could mistake what I offer for an ebook. 

What I despise is the fact that these reviews are FAKE.

So, some jerk gets to besmirch my name and my work with a bunch of phony reviews. I could contact a lawyer and threaten a law-suit... but that costs a ton of money and time. 

Let's look at some of the other so-called reviews of my work: 
Whoever wrote this didn't even read the information page - let alone study the actual Pivot Protocol material.

My prices are all clearly stated. 

Is my website too long? For whom? 

Not for the hundreds of thousands of people who have read it and decided to learn more. 

This "review" compares my online self-healing protocol to a clinical visit. But those two things aren't even remotely similar. And it's not what I'm offering. If you want to pay money to go see an expert in a doctor's office, go for it. And good luck to you. 

Then it accuses me of offering harmful advice. But if you know anything about The Pivot Protocol, you already know that I am teaching people how to identify and treat their own specific reflux type - for your own specific imbalances. 

So advice for one person could be harmful to another person - IF I was offering the same advice to both people. But that's not what you'll find in The Pivot Protocol. 
  • NOTE: There isn’t a single name attached to any review on his page. 
  • All “reviews” were posted on May 1 or May 7. Hmmm… 
  • There is no administrator - no one to contact and no one to ask for legal proof that these so-called reviews are real. 
  • ​And this webpage sells and recommends some of the very idiotic treatments for acid reflux I warn you about inside The Pivot Protocol. Stuff like linx surgery (definitely to be avoided if you can), and eating an alkaline diet. Good luck with that!
What legitimate business doesn’t offer refunds? Of course I have refunds. Not everyone can be helped by The Pivot Protocol.  
I am offering people a strange, “new” solution to a serious medical condition. Of course some people ask for a refund. My refund rate is usually around 7% to 9%. Anyone in business offering an unusual self-help solution like I am recognizes that as a very low refund rate.  
Plus, let's be honest... 

Not everyone can fix their gut - no matter how effective my method is. 

Some people are seriously ill and beyond what my protocol is designed to do… Others simply refuse to try. 
Still others pretend that learning something new is too hard. 

And some folks just want to avoid taking responsibility because it’s so much easier to blame anyone but themselves.

I despise the fact the web is censored if you question things like suspicious pandemics and untested, so-called vaccines. But anyone who wants can lie and post fake reviews and get away with it. Be careful who you listen to... 

Read REAL reviews by REAL students below.
Christian Nix - Creator Of The Pivot Protocol
After 20 Years Of Study And Practice Treating Digestive Illness... Here's What You Should Know:
While traveling in Central America in 1998, I met a medicine man who taught me a brilliant, completely obscure method for curing serious chronic digestive disorders.  

What I discovered during my own bout with digestive illness took me on a world tour - including inside major institutions like Cleveland Clinic . . . Hospitals like Mercy Hospital and Medical Center . . . And University medical centers form New York to San Francisco. 

You Can Read About My Incredible Discovery . . . 
The Pivot Protocol - Here's What's Different
Most people know reflux medications are not good for you.  But what choice do you have right?  

The reason modern medicine does a bad job with acid reflux (and most other digestive disorders) is because it ignores the most important element of all... your specific pattern of organ imbalance.  

This ability to discover a hyper-specific focus on the exact underlying cause of your acid reflux . . . is what makes the Pivot Protocol so valuable.  
Don't take my word for it... see what past students say:
 Had a look at most of the new videos, looks very exciting and I look forward to trying the recipes out, particularly [things you mention in the Reflux Recipes section].  

I am loving it.. and so is my gut. 
I have had no acid reflux since following your recommendations.
Kind regards,
— Maureen
 Hi Christian,
Trust you are doing well. I am happy to report that I am doing VERY well. 
For over two weeks now, I am literally 99% symptom free, some days even 100%. This feels like a miracle! 
I took your advice… What more could I ask for?!?! 
…I am definitely on the right track. I pretty much feel like a healed case here. I can't thank you enough. 

 Some long time habits to break but two weeks and haven’t felt this good for this long in three or more years. 

Thank you and for being a good teacher who stays with his students I’m really enjoying this journey as big a change as it’s gonna take for me. 
— Valerie
I watched the video. Thank you for answering all my questions. You are truly a blessing. 
— Renay
 Thank you so much for all you do. I’m really enjoying the question and answer sessions. 
Thanks again!
So grateful for finding your program Christian and all that you have put into it! 
Hope you are well. Thanks for everything. And I love all the videos. Helping me so much! 

 Thank you so much for all you do. I’m really enjoying the question and answer sessions. 
Thanks again!
I'm very grateful for you sharing your knowledge with others.  
God has blessed you with healing and you are sharing that with others… AWESOME!


Many thanks for all your hard work, is very much appreciated.
Yours Sincerely,


The [thing you taught me in the Pivot Protocol] is working great for my acid reflux… 

That tip alone was worth the entire cost of the protocol! 

Thank you!  

Thank you again for everything you do to help heal Humanity!!
Thank you... I learned a lot with you....

Thanks. All the information is very helpful...
You’re the man, thanks again for your help!
Dear Christian, 

First of all I just want to let you know your protocol has been a godsend to me! 
I am so thankful to have found your site after five long years of trying to find answers. 
I am doing well with the protocol...

Thank you, 


I thank you for getting me on the right path, as I suspected for some time now that my Dr. hasn’t been giving this the attention it deserves.  
I suspected my reflux was connected to organs and after reading your article, I suspect a lot of the organs you mentioned have been compromised.  
I told her about the mucous, stuffed nose, feeling congested, my ears, eyes etc. the HOT and cold gut and asked her how can everything be affected.  
I used to just chalk everything up to my IBS and hiatal hernia.  
I am hell bent to do something about my situation.  
Thank you again for taking the time to correspond with me.
I came across Christian giving a short video presentation, addressing acid reflux. 
While listening he was covering a lot of my issues. 
I decided to give try both Phase 1 and the Master Class… I’m so very glad I did. 
I have gotten relief in a very short period of time following the plan. He is for real and gives info you will not get any where else. 
Christian gives real solutions. I am more than pleased… with the Pivot Protocol.
I am just so grateful to have found you.

Thanks Christian, 

I got it working with what you sent me. 

I am doing better in the last couple days… l already see some improvement… I believe God has purposely placed me in contact with you. 

I appreciated you very much. 

Thank you,

My God... it just as I hit sent my last mail… there comes the email I've been hoping for a very long time... 

Thanks Christian for all that lovely yummy luscious specific advice... I'm going shopping... 

I have begun to reduce my PPI’s And I only had two days for recovery which always goes at least four.  

You thanked me but I have a feeling I should be thanking you. 

Hi Christian,
My acid reflux is almost non existent now. 
Thanks for all your help!!!!

I have been dealing with reflux on and off for 17 years. 
Insomnia for 25 years. 
And now chronic acid reflux for 12 months… getting dizzy spells and pretty well every symptom you list. 
They have improved since following your program. Thank you. 

Thanks for sharing your information. 

I've done many things that you have taught me. 

One of the most important things you hit it right on the head (solution from Master Class)… I haven't had any symptoms. 

Thanks for all your help and hard work. It's paying off. 

Your friend,


3 days on your meal plans. 

And I feel f****** better then ever. 

I’ve just started the pivot protocol and a lot is already making sense. 

I have so many symptoms which I didn’t know were all related back to reflux. 

I’ve caught it at the right time and can overcome this. Thank you!!

“I am so so grateful for your program. I am 51 yrs old and have had digestion issues for close to 40 years. For the last 30 years have been on a quest to heal myself and have seen a number of holistic practitioners… 

So Thank You Thank You Thank You for all of your work!!! 
I have been on it for two months and my digestion/elimination is great! I know without a doubt that if I had been following a program like yours years ago I would have saved myself from so much suffering… 
But all I can say is that I am super grateful to have found your program now to have a roadmap/template for the second half of my life.


Thank you Christian for your work!!! 

I am on the Pivot Protocol for about 6 weeks and I just started to gain weight again. 

I was in that dark corner for years. I am off acid blockers and eating well as Christian instructs!! 

God bless you Christian!!

In a nutshell the course was excellent, I am very happy with my investment, so great work and thank you.

Once again, thanks for putting this information in such an easily digestible form, the whole thing flowed beautifully, just when you get to a part and you're thinking, well 'what about this though?' you cover it in the next module:) 

I loved it.


I have cured my GERD (that rhymes). 


“I have followed what you have said and found I am much improved…” 


“I almost took control over acid reflux. Not 100 % but I feel much better.”


“I first went to the Doctor with bloating and dizziness. They gave me an antibiotic... This just made me sicker and sicker until I finally stopped taking it. I was so bad, I couldn't keep anything down. Then I came across your program and started to do the things you said. I started to get better. Each time I learn something new, I try to put it into practice. I have only been following your guidelines for not even 2 weeks and already noticing significant improvements. My husband has joined me in doing this and he is feeling better too.”


“I found your program, listened to all of phase 1 in 24 hours made a couple changes and it’s gotten better… Thank you, I appreciate your program and all that you do.”


“I just want to THANK YOU SOOOO much for the pivot protocol!!!!!!! And your right... All the other doctors didn’t know what to do… Sincerely and God Bless”


“I’ve gone through your 13 modules and they have helped a lot. I followed your plan last two days excellent. You are an answer to prayer. Thank u ... You are wonderful.”


“Since I last wrote to you, things have improved even more.”

“Firstly I want to thank Christian for his amazing advice, already Mum has adhered to a few of the modules, Mum gets blockages in Esophagus, many Acid Reflux flare ups.... The amazing secondary ailment to this was dr’s diagnosis of varicose eczema on her legs. So as soon as we listened to your phase 1, Wow we transferred Mum from [getting off something I tell you about in Phase 1]... instant clearing up and stopped all the blisters on her leg! So big thank you… Please keep up your wonderful research and teachings and look forward to hearing from you.”


“I have been taking the [solution in the Pivot Protocol] you recommended for over a week now. I have been taking half a teaspoon and I noticed a more restful sleep and cut my reflux significantly. I have also been sipping [another solution in the Pivot Protocol]. [Surprising beverage] does help. I used to get reflux as soon as i wake up but haven't had that for more than a week now. Thank you so much.”


“I have been doing great. The cough has been gone for around 4 days or even a week. I am still feeling good. I am so happy to tell people about your protocol and how you helped me. You are a God sent and I am so grateful for your help! Thank you so much.”

“If I could nominate you for a Nobel Peace Prize for your work, I would!!”


“It has been 3 days that I am following protocol and honestly no reflux! Wow this is amazing!”


“Just to let you know my acid has greatly improved…”

“I am a new client but honestly I have been following your program only a few days and I can see a difference.”


“I have been fine tuning my digestion with the protocol and re-listening to Master Class and putting it into practice and the results have been great!”


“When I came across your work I ordered Phase 1, not really expecting to learn anything new... but hoping I might. Wow!... right away I could see this was different!

I'm now going through the Master Class and I am so very grateful for the information and experience you are providing. I didn't want a list of do's and don'ts… good food, bad foods... 
I wanted to know how to read my symptoms and how to know what to do for MY body.

You give the whole picture!! Thank you, thank you!” 

“Thanks to you I could stop taking PPIs that made my condition worse after 2 years...I feel already good after 5 days no reflux no plum pit in my throat.. That is all awesome… Thanks a lot for being there for us! God bless you!”


“I thought I'd update you on my progress as I'm 10 months into your protocol… My body is so in tune now that if I eat something and I get a symptom, I notice straight away… I'm more flexible and have extended concentration now my brain fog is gone. I'm eliminating waste every day which is amazing! I've lost 28 lbs in total, I'm still overweight though but I'm happy with the loss. I'm pleased with my progress and a lot of my main symptoms have gone. Thank you for helping me.” 


“I have had acid reflux for many years and have been taking... many other over-the-counter medicines. When I found out the triggers and began to change my life around, my health skyrocketed. The balance of my organs is in effect and I notice the change. Thank you for providing your expertise to society.”

“... actually listened to all 12 modules last night and already am making changes and felt better. Thanks for what you are doing.”


“First I would like to thank you. I came from [feeling] miserable to feeling much better. At this point I got rid of psoriasis and brain fog. I have you to thank for that and that God led me to you.” 


“I just signed up and watched your module videos and wow, this information is life changing!! I have been dealing with GERD, IBS, and other issues for years now and I have just gotten to the point of feeling completely defeated and at a loss and then I discovered your program. 

I am 27 and have just felt like I am young and couldn’t understand why I am so sick all the time. I have been so afraid of my health really deteriorating and am just sick of taking all these meds that I know in my gut are just terrible for me. I also deal with serious mental health issues and discovering this has helped me really see how my gut issues are directly tied to that as well. 

I feel so grateful for all this information and now feel more empowered to take actions for my health that I truly desire. Thank you so much!!! I think this is really a game changer for the whole western medical health system, which I feel is extremely broken.”

“I have been taking tonnes of pills for acid reflux making things worse. Two consultants even told me that I needed surgery to strengthen my LES, thank God I refused to have it.

Since I bought and listened to your Pivot protocol and eliminated certain foods and drinks my acid reflux at night has vanished like a miracle after seven years of hell. For that I thank you.”


“The pivot protocol has been helping me with my reflux and all my other symptoms. I had almost every single symptom you mentioned. 

I can’t thank you enough for making this program affordable and breaking it down the way you do to truly understand what’s going on. I never thought all my symptoms would be related to each other and felt like the acid blockers were killing me slowly. I’m so glad I came across your program. It has changed my life. You are God sent. 

Thank you thank you thank you.!!!! I have a 2 year old and I was so depressed thinking this illness was going to kill me ... now I have hope. God bless you and your family and may God bless what you do to help people. I’m only 27. I’m glad this illness can be reversed... glad I caught this young. I’m forever grateful.”


“I found you a year ago when my body was falling apart... Out of ALL of the specialists and physician’s that I’ve seen (and continue to see), NONE of them have helped me as much as your Pivot Protocol. You were my gateway into functional medicine. 

Unfortunately, I think I’ve made some mistakes trusting other functional medicine doctors, and there are others that I’m just not sure about because... they’re always selling a boat load of supplements. Like western medicine... there could be an incentives problem. 

Anyway, thank you for the Pivot Protocol and for being the only useful help I have received… I’ve seen all of the western doctors I can handle. I’m considering going to some outrageously expensive local functional doctor, but as of now, you’re the only one that hasn’t set off my “quack alarm”.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving my sanity and what's left of my health… 

GREATEST news is that for the first time in nearly 40 years, I have lost the inflammation in my tissue, due to my leaky gut, and rid my body of it's very painful Myofascial Pain Syndrome in every part of my body's trigger points and my headaches. 

I have gone 2 days now without having to take pain relief, and trust me after all those years it was very hard not to take them before going to bed so I could get to sleep. Have lost all my sweet cravings and hunger pangs... lost all my nausea the 2nd day in, which was so great.

Me coming in contact with you was part of my life's plan, just as it was part of your life's predestined plan to be in the right place at the right time, in the right country while being at the right level of health, and making contact with your mentor, who helped save your life, and give you the desire to learn, and by sharing that knowledge with love and respect to others also suffering. There are no accidents, good luck or bad luck in our lives, just predestined plans... you are a man with a very open mind and heart.”


“I bought [the solution inside The Pivot Protocol] a week ago and started taking it before the meal; it was good as it reduced my gas tremendously.”


“Thank you Christian, I'm already feeling the benefits…” 


“Please call me. I wanna thank you so much…”


“About 2 yrs on the Pivot Protocol and NO reflux from the first video…” 


“I must apologize for not getting back to you earlier. It is with my deepest gratitude that I thank you for introducing me to the pivot protocol. 

I have overcome my reflux problem and been off omeprazole for about 6 months. I am living proof that all of your years learning from your teachers were for me - and I hope for countless others - well worth your efforts.” 

“It all makes so much sense. I started the pivot protocol on Monday and feel better already.” 

- Kelly

"I was literally devouring your modules in the Pivot Protocol Phase 1 and Pivot Protocol Master class. I was carefully following your instruction and only after seven days my condition improved about 40%."

- Jakob

How The Pivot Protocol Is Different
Here's a short video about why The Pivot Protocol is so effective at treating all four types of acid reflux - without pills... no matter how long you've been suffering.  

See you on the inside,

Christian Nix 
Barefoot Medicine, LLC © Copyright 2018  - All Rights Reserved, The Pivot Protocol